Beach Water Quality

Lions Bay's beach park waters are sampled on a weekly basis throughout the swimming season from May through September. Waters at each of the three beach parks are sampled at two locations along the shore, typically 15 - 20 meters appart, to ensure accurate readings. Samples are sent to a Vancouver Coastal Health laboroatory for analysis and typical turn-around for sample results is 2 - 3 days. Results are posted here and on Vancouver Coastal Health's website as soon as they are received. 

Sampling for E.coli is conducted to ensure the waters are safe to swim in. The Guidelines for Canadian Recreational Water Quality recommends the use of two limits for E. coli. A geometric mean of ≤ 200 E. coli/100 mL based on the previous five samples and a single sample limit of ≤ 400 E. coli/100 mL. When either of these limits is exceeded an assessment will be made by the Medical Health Officer. In the case of a single sample exceedance, the first step in the assessment is taking a re-sample. The Municipality may be required to post a “No Swimming” notice at the beach, which includes all primary contact recreation activities such as swimming or wading.

To find more information or to view recreational water quality at other beaches visit the Vancouver Coastal Health Recreational Waters Website

Beach water samples taken on September 11, 2023 (Results received September 14, 2023)

LocationE. Coli / 100 ml.
Kelvin Grove Beach A4
Kelvin Grove Beach B4
Lions Bay Beach A4
Lions Bay Beach B4
Brunswick Beach A4
Brunswick Beach B4

< = Less Than