Climate Action

Announcement of Lions Bay Declaration of Climate Emergency

The Village of Lions Bay Council passed the following Climate Emergency Resolution on April 13, 2021:

WHEREAS the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has recommended emissions reduction targets of 45 percent below 2010 levels by 2030 and 100 percent below 2010 levels by 2050 in order to limit global warming to no more than 1.5 C above pre-industrial levels;

AND WHEREAS these emissions reduction targets are not being met at the national, provincial or local level in Canada and Canadians have some of the highest per capita emissions worldwide;

AND WHEREAS the most recent scientific evidence indicates that climate change is accelerating and increasing in severity and extent, including in Canada;

AND WHEREAS the impacts of climate change will continue to be felt in communities across Canada, including Lions Bay, and significant emission reductions are required to minimize these impacts;

AND WHEREAS Lions Bay is already facing significant costs to deal with the impacts of climate change, including sea-level rise, stormwater and water management, and forest fires;

AND WHEREAS  District of West Vancouver, District of Squamish, Islands Trust, Bowen Island Municipality, District of North Vancouver, City of Vancouver, City of Richmond, Cityy of New Westminster, City of Port Moody and the City of North Vancouver and many more jurisdictions around the world have recently declared or officially acknowledged the existence of a global climate emergency;

AND WHEREAS the oxford definition of climate emergency adopted in 2019 is a situation in which urgent action is required to reduce or halt climate change and avoid potentially irreversible environmental damage resulting from it.

AND WHEREAS Section 473(3) of the Local Government Act requires local governments to incorporate within their official community plans targets, policies, and actions for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions;

AND WHEREAS the Council of the Village of Lions Bay adopted Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 408, 2008 and enacted Bylaw No. 408, 2008, Amendment Bylaw No. 420, 2010 (the OCP as amended) committing to reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions;


  1. Council recognizes that climate change constitutes an emergency for the Village of Lions Bay

Climate Action Committee

On January 19, 2021 the Village of Lions Bay Council established a Climate Action Committee whose mandate is to provide a technical and local perspective and advice to Council to aid in the advancement of targets, policies and actions for reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions, and adapting to climate change, as noted in the Official Community Plan (OCP).

View the Terms of Reference here!

What We All Can Do

Not idling gas or diesel-powered vehicles is a simple way to help keep our air quality clean and reduce GHG emissions. Check here for Myths and Facts about Idling and here for the Village of Lions Bay Anti-idling bylaw.

There are several home rebate programs available for upgrading your home to a more energy efficient status:

  1. The Canada Greener Homes Grant Initiative
  2. CleanBC Better Homes and Home Renovation Rebate Program - Better Homes BC
  3. BC Hydro Rebates 
  4. Metro Vancouver Wood Stove Exchange Program Rebate