Dowload a high quality digital copy of the Lions Bay Trail Map for viewing and printing Here. Please read the disclaimer in the bottom left corner of the map or below the image on this page.
Although every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this trail map is up to date and accurate, the Village of Lions Bay assumes no obligation or liability for the use of this map by any person and makes no representations or promises regarding its completeness or accuracy or its fitness for a particular purpose. The map represents a one-time capture of information and does not necessarily include updates or corrections to the source databases or distinguish accurately between public and private property. The representation of the highlighted trails and roads does not imply public access and nothing on this map implies the right to use private property. Please respect private property. Use caution when travelling on logging roads and be aware of hazards, obstructions, washouts, and sudden sharp curves. Logging roads may be decommissioned and impassable. Deep, unmarked cross-ditches are present throughout the back roads and trails. Roads and trails have varying degrees of difficulty and it is up to the user to choose a route that suits their ability.
Use at your own risk
Note: The back-country is home to bears, cougars and other wildlife. This is their home. Please respect it. Mountain weather conditions can change quickly. Trails are hard to follow when hiking through clouds, especially when above the timberline. Survival gear and clothing is essential for winter use. Leave an itinerary with a responsible person.