Emergency Program

All local governments in British Columbia are responsible for emergency planning for response to and recovery from major emergency events or disasters. This is accomplished by maintaining a current emergency plan, forging effective partnerships with municipal and regional partners, encouraging emergency preparedness through public outreach and education, offering Village residents free access to Alertable - an emergency notification system, posting emergency notices and information, and ensuring an adequate complement of trained emergency personnel.

If the magnitude of the event overwhelms the capabilities of the Village of Lions Bay, the Province will assist by activating the provincial emergency management structure to support our emergency operations center (EOC). The function of the EOC is to support the disaster site in a variety of ways, such as acquiring supplies, coordinating agencies, providing public information, and managing evacuations, if required.  

The Village of Lions Bay emergency program does NOT coordinate or facilitate daily emergency response activities under the jurisdiction of the RCMP, Wildfire Management BC or the BC Ambulance Service. For more information about these services, visit the Emergency Services Organizations webpage.