Building Bylaws

Building Services is responsible for the administration of the Village of Lions Bay's bylaws pertaining to the construction of buildings, structures and monitoring compliance for health and safety. All construction work of a structural nature, requires a building permit. For permit forms, see Building Permits.

Forms and Publications

Development Application Form

Agent Authorization Form

Building Bylaws

The Building Bylaws regulate the construction, alteration, repair, demolition or moving of buildings and pools and the installation, alteration or repair of plumbing, sprinkler and heating systems.

Below is information on various aspects of building on a property.

Building Bylaw No. 234, 1994 (Consolidated)
Traffic and Parking Bylaw No. 413 (Consolidated)
Village of Lions Bay Sewer By-law #101
Water Rates and Regulations Bylaw No. 2, 1971 (Consolidated)
Subdivision Bylaw No. 141, 1985
Village of Lions Bay Trees, Views and Landscapes Bylaw No. 393, 2007 (Consolidated)
Zoning and Development Bylaw No. 520, 2017

Zoning Bylaw

When building on a property,  the Zoning Bylaw must be considered.   It regulates the use of land, buildings and structures specific to the area.  First, the current zoning designation of the property must be obtained, as that governs the permissible uses of the property.  Detailed information about what can be built on the property, and regulations, are specified in the Bylaw.  Due to the highly complex and legal nature of the information in the Bylaw, interpretation can be difficult, especially for those unfamiliar with zoning-related information. To ensure  correct interpretation is obtained, please visit the Village Office and review with the Building Inspector of Chief Administrative Officer.

Official Community Plan

View the Lions Bay Official Community Plan

Legal Lot Documents

Legal lot plans, legal documents attached to the title of a property and property encumbrances such as rights of way and easements may be viewed at the Village Office.  To obtain a copy of these plans, contact:

Land Title Office - Victoria Land Title District
Suite 110 - 1321 Blanshard Street, Victoria, B.C. V8W 9J3
General Inquiries: 1-877-577-LTSA (5872)
Fax: 250-356-6060