This page contains a list of commonly requested forms. Forms are available in Adobe PDF format. If you need a form that is not available on our website, let us know and we will try to make it available electronically.
To pay for permits, licenses, and passes you will need to visit the office and pay by cash, cheque, or debit. The Village does not accept credit cards.
The Agent Authorization Form is necessary when the owner of a property requires an Authorized Agent to act on their behalf for the following items:
Development Applications
- Building or Plumbing Permits
- Engineering Permits
- To view or copy Property Plans
- Driveway Crossing Permits
The Board of Variance may, on a finding of hardship, grant relief to an applicant from complying with the strict terms of a zoning bylaw dictating setbacks from the property lines or restricting the permissible height of a building or structure. Council has a similar jurisdiction to grant variances. The Board of Variance meets as needed to consider applications. To apply for a variance you must submit a completed application form to the Village Office after which a meeting of the Board of Variance will be arranged.
Boat spaces are available to rent at Lions Bay Beach Park for small boat storage (canoes, kayaks and paddle boards.) Fees are $125 for a single space, if paid by March 31. $150 if paid after March 31, but before May 31. (after May 31, boat will be seized and removed) Larger boats may require 2 spaces. Fees are due January 1st and are valid for that calendar year.
Upon payment, boat owners will receive a decal to be affixed to the boat. Boat owners should insure that boats are securely attached with a lock to the boat racks as the Village does not assume any liability in renting the boat spaces.
A Building Permit is necessary to ensure zoning requirements and building safety standards (contained in the BC Building Code) are satisfied. The Building Inspector will review the application; costs associated are listed in the Fees Bylaw No. 497 under Schedule 2.
The Community Facility Rental Application is necessary either for a one time use or for regularly occurring programs. A submitted application does not assure a booking as each request is considered by a case-per-case basis. Included in the package are: Rental Application, Public Works Set-Up and Take-Down Request, Cleaning Guidlines, and the Facility Release of Liability, Waiver of Claims and Indemnity Agreement.
Rental insurance is required by all user groups in order to rent any of the Community Facilities. You can arrange this through your own provider or by clicking on the link provided below and follow the steps to purchase your insurance. You may choose the $2 million dollar option unless you will be serving alcohol, in which case you are required to select the $5 million dollar option.
In addition, your event may require proof of Special Event Permit (SEP) and Special Event Server (SES) Certificate and/or Food Safe Certificate. Please review the Community Facility Rentals Policy No. 1407 for further details and clarification.
Community Facility Rental Application Form
Community Facility Rentals, Refunds and Cancellations Policies
Temporary Food Services Application
Special Event Permit (SEP) and Special Event Server (SES) Certificate
Click here to review the BC Special Event Permit Manual.
Municipalities are mandated by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA) to obtain signed consent from a person whose photo is to be used in any publications. This is applicable to adults and children and is mandatory under the Act.
Residents who wish to address Council for 10 minutes must pre-register and complete a Delegation Request Form. This form must be submitted by 12 p.m. the Thursday prior to a Regular Meeting of Council via email or at the Village Office.
A demolition permit is required when demolishing a structure that is larger than 100 sqft, and can be a whole structure or only part of one. Demolition permits are reviewed and approved by the Building Inspector. Costs are listed under schedule 2 of Fees Bylaw No. 497.
When a particular application by virtue of a site regulation such as a setback, site coverage, height or other regulation will not comply with the Zoning Bylaw, a variance may be required. With the exception of “use” and “density”; zoning, subdivision and sign bylaw regulations may be varied by Council. Development Variance Permit (DVP) applications are usually considered where the site characteristics or other unique circumstances do not permit strict compliance with an existing regulation. In some cases, where a zoning regulation may impose undue “hardship” on the owner/builder, a proponent may apply to the Board of Variance.
Lions Bay dog licenses are required, by Animal Control Bylaw No. 461, 2014, for all dogs over the age of 6 months with a limit of 3 dogs permitted per home. Dog licenses are available from the Village Office. License fees are $30 for spayed or neutered dogs and $60 for un-spayed or un-neutered dogs. The license fee is due January 1st of each year and is valid for that calendar year. After February 28th, the fees increase to $45 for spayed or neutered dogs and $90 for un-spayed or un-neutered dogs.
Dogs must be under the owner's direct control and leashed at all times while on public land. This bylaw is enforced to protect residents and dogs. Kelvin Grove Beach Park, Marjory Meadows and the trail from Soundview to Bayview Road have been designated as off-leash areas.
Dog owners are reminded that they must clean up after their dogs wherever they are in the Village. Dog waste bags are available at various locations in the community and owners are requested to dispose of the waste in their household garbage; failure to do so is subject to fines.
In accordance with Driveway Crossings Bylaw No. 521, 2017, anyone wishing to excavate, construct, reconstruct, replace, or improve a Driveway Crossing to their residence must apply for a permit from the Village of Lions Bay.
As defined in Traffic and Parking Bylaw No. 413, any vehicle over 6.1 metres in length, including any attached trailer, or with a licensed gross vehicle weight exceeding 5,000 kgs is an "extraordinary vehicle". It may not park with any part of it on municipal property. A resident unable to accommodate it on their own property should store it elsewhere in commercial premises. If lack of ready access to the vehicle would cause genuine hardship, eg. if it is used primarily for work within the Village or is the resident's sole means of transport, a yearly application may be made to Council to park it on municipal property. Approval will depend on whether the Village has appropriate space to accommodate the vehicle, any emergency or road safety issues, and whether parking it in a neighbourhood would create issues.
Commercial Filming Policy No. 1902 requires that a permit be obtained by any person or company who wishes to engage in commercial photography, video, film or television within the Village of Lions Bay. News media are exempt from this requirement. Please see the Application Form and Template Letters in the list below and contact the Filming Liaison if you have any questions.
Neighbour Notice Letter (No Polling)
Residents or Food Truck Owners who wish to apply for a Food Truck in the Village must fill out and submit this application for approval.
Those wishing to request documentation through the Village Office that is not available on the website must fill out a Freedom of Information Request Form as per the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act [RSBC 1996] Chapter 165.
Freedom of Information Request Form
FOI Requests should be emailed to
Water conservation levels are in effect from June 1 to September 30 every year. These conservation levels restrict the frequency and time of day during which residents may utilize municipal water for lawn sprinkling. The Village may authorize exemption permits in cases where the amount of water allowed would not be enough to keep your new lawn alive and you can apply for a lawn sprinkling permit if you are caring for your new lawn.
A permit is required when depositing or removing soil greater than 27 cubic meters on private property. The Public Works Manager shall determine the submission requirements pursuant to the Soil Deposit, Soil Removal and Land Alteration Bylaw No. 510, 2018. Please review the bylaw and application closely for more information, and contact the Public Works Manager for any questions.
The Village of Lions Bay recognizes the benefits of special events within the many public spaces of our community. Special events from block parties to large festivals may require special permission. An application is required if you are planning an event that is:
- open to the public or to which the public has been invited to attend;
- held outdoors either in whole or in part;
- likely to be attended, or which may reasonably be expected to be attended, by 25 or more persons;
- planning to have a beverage garden;
- planning to provide food service, such as a food truck.
Zoning and Development Bylaw No. 520, 2017 (the Zoning Bylaw) prohibits Short Term Rentals (STRs) in all zones except where authorized under a Temporary Use Permit (TUP). Council has delegated the authority to grant TUPs to the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), in accordance with Temporary Use Permits for Short Term Rentals Policy No. 1702. This policy and the applicable procedures regulate STRs so as to sustain the character of Lions Bay’s residential zones, to reduce nuisance from noise, parking and other aspects arising from STRs, and to influence the amount of short-term vs. long-term rental accommodation available in the community. If you wish to make a comment on someone else's application, please fill out the Applications Comment Form.
Please review Trees, Views and Landscapes Bylaw No. 393, 2007, as amended, carefully to understand all of your obligations and responsibilities in submitting a Tree Cutting Permit Application (refer to schedules A, B, C & D), especially during bird nesting season. Once you have done so, click on the PDF fillable form below which can be printed and signed once complete. Hard copies are also available at the Village Office.
Please note that upon approval from Council, the applicant is required to provide a $500 damage deposit and proof that the arbourist/contractor is in good standing with Work Safe BC and maintains liability insurance in the amount of $5,000,000 in order to be issued a Tree Cutting Permit by the Village of Lions Bay.
Did you know that causing harm to a migratory bird or destroying its nest or eggs
is illegal and contravenes the BC Wildlife Act, Federal Migratory Birds Convention
Act, and the Migratory Birds Regulations ?In particular, it is an offence under Section 35 of the Wildlife Act, to disturb or
destroy an active bird nest. This applies to Municipal and private trees and is why
Council amended the Trees, Views, and Landscapes Bylaw No. 393, 2007 to prohibit the cutting of trees on Municipal Property during active bird nesting season which is between March 26 and August 16 each year. If you want to do some tree work and those trees are on Municipal property, please call the office to understand the process and the cut-off dates for approval prior to bird nesting season. Otherwise, you will have to obtain a Registered Professional Biologist as part of your application.In accordance with Fee Bylaw No. 497, 2016 Schedule 5, upon approval of Council, an office trailer, storage container or other similar chattel reasonably required in respect of a building permit may be placed on a public highway for a fee of $300 per month. Upon approval of the Public Works Manager, construction material, a disposal bin or a moving container may be temporarily placed on a public highway for a fee of $35 per day.