Metro Vancouver’s Regional Growth Strategy

The Metro Vancouver Regional Growth Strategy (MVRGS) looks out to 2040 and provides a framework on how to accommodate the 1.2 million people and 600,000 new jobs that are expected to come to Metro Vancouver in the next 30 years. It was adopted by the Metro Vancouver Board on July 29, 2011, after being unanimously accepted by all local governments in the region, including the Village of Lions Bay.

The MVRGS has five main goals:

  1. create a compact urban area,
  2. support a sustainable economy,
  3. protect the environment and respond to climate change impacts,
  4. develop complete communities, and
  5. support sustainable transportation choice.

Each municipality’s official community plan in Metro Vancouver must reflect the goals of the regional growth strategy.

Besides outlining the vision for the region, the growth strategy also explains how the strategy will be implemented and monitored.

Metro Vancouver 2040: Shaping our Future (Metro 2040), the regional growth strategy current as of July 28, 2017 includes three recent amendments to the plan:

  • Bylaw 1236 – Relating to the extension of regional sewerage services
  • Bylaw 1237 – Updates Table A.2 Housing Demand Estimates by Tenure and Household Income for Metro Vancouver Subregions and Municipalities (2016-2026)
  • Bylaw 1243 – Updates Section G: Performance Monitoring

This updated version is available online here.

Please note, additional amendments are scheduled for the fall of 2017. Metro Vancouver will prepare another update once those amendments go through third reading.

This consolidated Bylaw is for convenience only. Please refer to the official version of Bylaw No. 1136 and its amendments. High definition maps are available here.


Metro 2040 Performance Monitoring Dashboard

This dashboard tracks progress toward the five goals set out in Metro Vancouver’s regional growth strategy. Performance is evaluated on an ongoing basis as data becomes available, and is indicated by: “On Track, May Not Be On Track, Waiting For Data, and Observing”. To find Lions Bay Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), click on any of the dashboard boxes and scroll to find “Performance Data”. Click the “Learn More” button under the box you are interested in learning about. From the drop down menu on the left, select Lions Bay where applicable (please note, not all items include Lions Bay).

Performance Monitoring Dashboard